A safe space to learn new skills
Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps on the mat or an experienced gymnast aiming for the highest level, our facilities offer the perfect space to train and learn.
From balance beams, uneven bars, vaulting horses, floor exercise mats and brilliant coaches we have everything you need to excel.

We have an area designated for the gymnasts to practice and learn their floor skills. These may include different types of rolls, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers and so on.
We also have a short tumble track which allows our experienced gymnasts to get more power and height in their tumbles.

Uneven bars
The uneven bars at our facility are set at different heights allowing gymnasts to practice a variety of skills including upward circles, casts, and backward circles.
Additionally, this allows our advanced gymnasts to work towards more complex skills, including bar routines.

Vaulting table
The vaulting table allows our gymnasts to level up from the horse boxes. This allows us to challenge the gymnasts in regards to their speed and power.
For the younger/smaller gymnasts we provide a trampette (like shown in the picture above) to assist them with their power, whereas, with the older/taller gymnasts we will swap this for a springboard.

Single bar
The single bar allows is adjustable so the gymnasts can practice their bar skills at a low height or a high height.
This also allows our team of coaches to build up the gymnasts’ confidence on this piece of apparatus. Our gymnasts can practice and learn right from the basics up to more complex skills.

Balance beam
Our gymnastics facility also boasts several balance beams. This apparatus that challenges gymnasts’ precision, grace, and poise.
Our beams include low and padded beams to allow our gymnasts can practice their routines with confidence and without compromising their safety.